Wednesday, August 9, 2017
The Day She Woke Up
She was vacant but more than present inside.
She was a character but she acted.
One day she woke up and decided to live. "I'm here" she announced. This is her story.
The day she woke up she put on a tight black dress and wore winged eyeliner and dark lipstick. She smiled with a knowing look rather than a vacant look. She looked people in the eye and she loved them. She did, not an image of her.
That was the day she woke up.
Saturday, August 5, 2017
Sunday, July 30, 2017
Empty Chairs and Empty Tables
In my heart of hearts
Where no man or woman sits
I dine in solitude
Empty chairs and empty tables
Everyone standing around
I beckon them to sit
But they don't seem to hear my voice's sound
Empty chairs and empty tables
I pretend my heart's table is full
Of the bright chatter of the not-lonely
But in my heart of hearts, I know that's bull
Empty chairs and empty tables
I knock the spoons about
I throw weak punches at the silence
To the emptiness, I throw a clout
Empty chairs and empty tables
Do they see me now
I cry from the east gable
Of a very flashy house
Empty chairs and empty tables
They will not dine with me
I've made three pies and twenty cakes
But no one will join my soiree
Empty chairs and empty tables
Maybe my tears will flow to them
But I'm stuck inside a vacuum
With empty chairs and empty tables.
Empty chairs and empty tables
I pick up a pen to write
I plead with fancy words and letters
I throw the letter out
Empty chairs and empty tables
The paper barely grazes their cheeks
It barely scathes their minimal pimples
Soon it's on the ground, trampled down
Empty chairs and empty tables
Even the table wood seems hollow now
Will it all crumble before me
Leaving me alone in a dust cloud
Friday, July 28, 2017
Love Me
or for the Bible verses I have memorized
not for the way I look away when they show sex on tv
not for the way I don't drink or club
no, no
love me for trying
love me for sincerity of belief
love me for loving Song of Solomon
because it is so dang horny I can't even
love me for loving beauty
for trying
love me for liking cuddles
don't love the chastity
love me for loving
I'm tired of you loving my innocence
I'm tired of you loving my feminity and chastity
Love me in the darkness
Because I don't pretend that the world is bright
but I still believe in the Light
surface, surface things
you love the smile you think hides an empty canvas
ready for you to paint with thoughts of God
no, silly child
I think for myself
I am a lady and I think for myself
The canvas is full of paint, oil and acrylic
colors dark and bright
tainted and painted
God sees me
so no, don't love me for serving communion
or for the smiles I give after church
to the sweet ladies with powdery hair and
powdered noses, me trying to be feminine
if that is really definable
love me for loving
for trying
for seeing
and for liking the horniest book of the Bible.
Thursday, July 6, 2017
Sunday, June 25, 2017
I simply want to be in
You criticize my existence
You think my life warrants no space
I am trying not to breathe
the oxygen that is yours
Why do I feel this chastisement
for doing nothing at all
I want to do many things
But I'd rather not get in your face
get in your space
it's yours to take
I want to sing a million songs
make slowing hearts run fast again
to make connections, breathe air into the vacuum
dancers unite
the shrinking women
in respite
the air was meant for you to breathe
the oxygen finds its home in you
your blood
to energy
one step
three steps
five steps at a time
it's okay to speak
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
Our Journey
I used to make some pitchy melodies
I used to raise those tiny hands up high
I used to hope, to long for paradise
Then I saw you closer
the crinkles in your eyes
the deathly things you'd speak and sigh
I kept silent, a pawed creature
I'd smile strained smiles
I was a captive in what seemed to be
your kingdom of lies
of restraint, of despair
of people saying this was true
of people believing or dying
no paradise
You sent me away
to a happier place
where I could choose not to look into your eyes
where I came to terms with who I was
an undernourished creature who needed love
I got swept in by the tide
washed up out of the system's disguise
Now today I realize
That I don't know who you are
I've sung songs and written poems
seen the creases on your face
seen your white wings laced with steel
I've seen your strength and your might
But I don't know
I just don't know
Help me come to terms with my life.
I hear voices and sing songs
I paint pictures of you
But I can never truly
only partly
look into your eyes
Friday, May 26, 2017
snipped poetry
taut arms
to fall
in the dark
breath is a miracle
why is Warmth
connected to connection
let me
I do splits in my head
I fall in my head
into the oceans of you
the ever-invisible you
I wait for anxiety
to thrust me into
trash cans and trash bags
and forgotten orange peels
in the river outside my house
and into
remembered no more
tasted and
harnessed and
silvery golden
Saturday, May 20, 2017
Writer, not a speaker
A creeper not a sleeper
Passively aggressive but not aggressively passive
I wear leather
I wear lace
I'm the past and I'm the future
I'm a creeper not a sleeper
I'm a writer not a speaker
Sunday, May 14, 2017
I don't know if you noticed. My being can only contain so much before some things are displaced. From my attention, from my feelings, from my affection. Like my eyes that have a limited field of vision, my heart's eye had limited vision too, and it was focused on you.
And although you're worth my vision, I wonder if I'm giving you too much. You see, while you were at the centre of my affections, I find myself at the peripheral of yours, barely making it, forever ready to be displaced by the tiniest drop of
And though the blood that flowed through my brains was saturated with thoughts of you, most of its effect on me was fatigue. I struggled to be seen by you.
You see, dear friend, I'm not sure where I stand in the divisions into levels of attraction. And I'm rather worried I stand very low, where I may end up unnoticed forever.
So I wonder now if I should be satisfied to stay in your peripheral. Do I have the right, no, the capacity to demand more than your peripheral?
Do I have the right to demand being the centre of your, or anyone's attention?
You see I must now decide, dear friend, if I should settle for peripheral, or be content to only be the object of my own affections, with perhaps a German shepherd to lean on, and to pamper myself knowing no one else will.
Thank you for making me decide whether I would rather take a certain gift of costume jewelry or wait for a better but possibly unachievable gift of gold.
Monday, April 17, 2017
San Francisco
You're living proof that urban nature is not an oxymoron
Where the sea kisses the feet of the city
and vice versa
they are not in animosity
Vibrations in my flesh
because of cars speeding by on Golden Gate Bridge
I stand watching the birds flock below me
I learn the breath of the wind
I walk, further, further still
I sing to the gallows
they won't bind me
I brisk walk to Safeway
Also down the steps of Civic Center Station
First time riding the subway
I take the wrong bus again and again
I leave earlier next time
I hike through Golden Gate Park
To Ocean Beach
It's a cold day
chills hug me
On to La Taqueria
I eat a burrito that tastes like home
even though I never ate burritos at home
I link arms with a friend
And get smitten with Smitten's ice cream
I never expected this fear to rise
This fear that I'm leaving home
But slowly and silently
I've left pieces of me in this sacred city.
Sunday, April 9, 2017
Sad humor in third person narrative.
But Nicole on a page needs to be careful because Nicole on a page has the potential to hurt Nicole in real life's friends. Nicole's friends think she is rarely angry, ever willing to agree; but they don't know Nicole on a page-- they don't know how deeply she feels.
Nicole is tired today-- hence the third person narrative. Nicole wishes someone would come and hug her and tell her it's going to be okay. Nicole feels like crying. Nicole wishes people wouldn't avoid eye contact with her either in fear of rejection or simply fatigue because Nicole feels like she is a burden. Nicole wants someone to hold her, to be unselfish for her-- Nicole realizes this is selfish but Nicole wants this, Nicole wants someone to talk to her without demanding help.
Nicole is tired of trying to be whatever "they" need. Nicole wants to be demanding in real life for once. But alas, Nicole in real life is quite different from Nicole on a page.
Friday, April 7, 2017
I Discovered Chai Today
If you translate that word for word, it becomes "tea tea". But in Western settings, when people say "chai tea" they refer to "masala tea". Masala tea, originating in India, is now widely popularized as one of those hip drinks you drink in a cafe in San Francisco while contemplating your next "hella cool" startup idea with your open-minded friends dressed in leather jackets.
So, back to why I am writing this article. Being an Indian by ethnicity, masala tea is not an uncommon drink to me. But I've never liked it. Tea was fine enough; why add some weird spice that belongs in dosa to tea? That is a stance I took ever since I first drank masala tea at some family gathering or another.
And then a strange thing happened today.
I went to one of those hip, tech cafe places that sprout like mushrooms in San Francisco. The place was called "Chai Bar." And then I ordered chai tea. I knew it was masala tea but I have a weird tendency to order drinks I know I am not going to like. But, boy, am I glad I did it today.
I expected to tolerate drink, get some productive work done and then head back to the residence hall. But instead, when I took a sip, I found myself liking this "chai tea." If you do not get why I am writing this story yet, then let me spell it out for you. I am an Indian who never liked masala tea in its true form. Then I come to the US and I like chai?
The world is truly a strange place.
I have a newfound respect for evolved, Americanized, fusion food.
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
Religion and Pseudoscience
I’d heard stories about Christians who would stop taking medication-- believing God would heal-- then dying. And here I was, trying to do this. I couldn’t stand the cognitive dissonance of believing in healing but taking medication at the same time.
All I ended up with was heavy breathing and asthma symptoms.
I apologize if this introduction makes it sound like I am going to write an article bashing Christianity, bashing people who are ignorant enough to believe in faith healing and teach it to their kids. I am definitely not doing that. And this may surprise you, but I still do believe in faith healing.
What I do want to write about is the attitude of denial that many Christians feel compelled to live in. When science or society diverges from our doctrines and theology, we feel compelled to simply ignore the evidence instead of carefully examining it. Jesus never told us to have confirmation bias. In fact, His word says:
It sounds to me like He was warning AGAINST confirmation bias. We must consider the evidence, not simply make it suit what we already believe. So here is a list of some things that I have proclaimed belief in for years because of pressure to conform to the version of Christianity that I was brought up in:
1) Evolution is not true because God created the world. To believe in evolution is to deny God.
2) God heals so you do not need medication.
3) Gay marriage is wrong and people who do so are choosing to sin.
That is by no means a comprehensive list but those are three things I have wrestled with a lot. Before you dear fundamentalists shake your heads at what nonsense and heresy I am proclaiming, I beseech you to hear me out. I am by no means saying that any of these three things are not true. I am only saying that the arguments we have come up with thus far are insufficient.
We have attacked evolution with arguments like “it is just a theory” or “creationism is more accurate in explaining the evidence” but we have to somehow come to terms with the fact that the proof for evolution is real. It is time we got on the same page with scientists. No one will take us seriously if we argue only through our own Biblical lens, sputtering arguments full of confirmation bias, trying our hardest to confirm what we interpret the Bible to say. We need to have enough faith in God to know that He is not stupid. Let that wash over you. The Almighty is not stupid. He wouldn’t leave evidence against our current beliefs about creationism and insist that we keep those beliefs. The Bible says:
For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse (Romans 1:20).
Yes, we believe in God’s Word. But when we are trying to debate the truth about science and society, we need to debate on the secular playing field and not ours. We must use their facts, not ours. And where does faith come in, you ask? Well, faith comes in when you trust that theology and science will line up because the Almighty is not stupid.
Monday, April 3, 2017
distancing myself from you
I'm just scared
of being that person
whose presence is dreaded
and so I'm never there.
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Falling Fully
I want these crumbling walls to cease
to break, to burn, to die
To smile without these shades on my eyes
Let the laugh lines grow beside and into yours
our laughs will merge; a polyphonic melody
I'm only giving half a smile
because you only give me half of yours
but how will the map of our lives fit together
if even our smiles cannot flow into one river
I want to nudge your toes with mine
to giggle, yes, to giggle sometimes
to lean my head against your chest
but the wall, the dam' wall still stands
Falling fully into me
I think you too want these crumbling walls to cease
to break, to burn, to die.
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
To love at all is to be vulnerable
Saturday, March 18, 2017
You know it's a bad day
You know it's a bad day when you try listening to Disney music but even that can't cheer you up. You know it's a bad day when you can almost feel the chemicals being released in your brain as you cry in relief because crying is the only effort you make to communicate your emotions besides "bleeding on paper" like Hemingway suggested.
You know it's a bad day when you google Chopin sheet music at 3 am in the middle of a breakdown just because you want the familiarity of looking at music notes shaped like bean sprouts. You know it's a bad day when you decide to listen to Chopin after that.
You know it's a bad day when you have a headache that encompasses not just your head but all your nerves.
You know it's a bad day when you feel like no one has your back. You know it's a bad day when you're trying, really trying to make friends but you can't help but wonder if you are gonna end up alone like you always do.
You know it's a bad day when the best quote you think of is "the only reason I make memories is to write about them."
You know it's a bad day when you're trying to write something worthwhile and the only word you can think of is "cry."
I just thought you should know
That my mind is so tight with the thought of you
That I'm crying myself to sleep
because I don't understand you
I just thought you should know
that I'm trying, I really am
To be a person that's worthy
to not have everyone hate me
I thought you cared
And now I am literally
typing with my eyes closed because I want to cry and write at the same time
and I hear you
even when you don't speak
i hear phantom voices
they perpetuate the lull of loneliness
i am writing angsty poetry
and I know none of it will
be good enough for you
because to you
I am boring
ever smiling
a lump
a sore thumb
but not quite
and i hear you laughing
and i do not,
will not
take it badly
you must live your life
But I just thought you should know
that I tried and I
am trying
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Boyce Avenue
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Before You (Inspired by Lang Leav)
Thursday, February 9, 2017
Nature's Wedding
Sunday, February 5, 2017
Two Words and Two Worlds
is different from what is expressed.
We construct our own worlds
That's why hand-in-hand
is a longing so deep
why toe-to-toe seems like heaven;
because our words cannot meet and merge
and embrace and kiss and unite and make love
because the air devours them one-by-one
the hateful air with its ravenous appetite
for disconnection
refuses to let our words
tell the same story
but if our words cannot merge
will our haptic hugs be any better?
Saturday, February 4, 2017
Who feels like an old church song
that I remember crying to
Someday I will find someone
Whose kisses seem holy,
not rebellious
Someday I will find someone
who feels divine
But till then.
Friday, February 3, 2017
that I can't seem to let go of
you've grown on me
like a runner, like a morning glory
you've grown on me
not green, not fresh
but I'm tied to you somehow
you are steady
like a foot
that smells a little bad
but helps me walk
you help me
like muscles that aren't quite flexed
but still present
still strong
I love you
I hate you.
Air mata mengalir dan hati berdebar. Ku tak de sebab untuk hidup.
Ku mahu tidur tapi rasa bersalah pula.
Wednesday, February 1, 2017
ombak kecilmu
Ku rindu
agin kencangmu
Ku rindu hujanmu
yang melandaku
bagai peninju
ku rindumu
Ku mahu
sambil laut menyanyi untukku
lagunya indah rupa dari khabar
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
To You
I don't expect you to be stronger than me. But I expect you to be strong. We will be equals, you and I. Side by side we'll run. When our heartbeats hear each other they will experience superposition, amplification, we will reign.
I don't intend to be weak. But I'll let you in. And we will trace every map that is our bodies and souls and minds. Yes and we will paint new maps together in lands unseen.
My feet may be smaller than yours but our strides will be equal.
I can almost imagine you in my arms. You're probably alive, which is a strange thought. Pray, friend, pray. Let His Spirit move your lips till our hands touch for the first time-- our Father uniting us, body, soul, mind. Pray, even on our wedding day, as I walk down the aisle, your bride. Pray, when our lips touch for the first time, even then don't stop.
Don't let me be ever be worth more to you than the eternal song that we've both started singing even now. Pray.
You and I
What we have is like a wound in my heart. It's not that I'm hurt, no. It's just too painful to keep opening and closing and opening and closing the hope. I tell myself to stop-- to know that I am just a string stretched too tightly in desperation. I've snapped. Today I let myself give up-- we would never work, you and I. Would we? I feel like every word I say is boredom to you. No, I don't think you're mean. I think you're a lovely person. This wound doesn't mean you hurt me. It means I hurt me by opening my heart too wide to things that were never mine.
Saturday, January 28, 2017
I found myself today
no, not like a heart that beats too fast,
but like an aching tummy that won't go away
I found myself today
saying the swear words
I swore I never would
I found myself today lying on the ground
still stiff in apprehension to the world
wishing to melt, release, collapse
into the arms of a vague someone
I found myself today
no, not screaming and crying
I found myself today
wanting rhythm but finding chaos
maybe my life is a weird jazz beat
with a timing I can't quite figure out
I found myself today
wanting, wishing, praying.
I found myself today