Sunday, July 30, 2017

Empty Chairs and Empty Tables

Empty chairs and empty tables
In my heart of hearts
Where no man or woman sits
I dine in solitude

Empty chairs and empty tables
Everyone standing around
I beckon them to sit
But they don't seem to hear my voice's sound

Empty chairs and empty tables
I pretend my heart's table is full
Of the bright chatter of the not-lonely
But in my heart of hearts, I know that's bull

Empty chairs and empty tables
I knock the spoons about
I throw weak punches at the silence
To the emptiness, I throw a clout

Empty chairs and empty tables
Do they see me now
I cry from the east gable
Of a very flashy house

Empty chairs and empty tables
They will not dine with me
I've made three pies and twenty cakes
But no one will join my soiree

Empty chairs and empty tables
Maybe my tears will flow to them
But I'm stuck inside a vacuum
With empty chairs and empty tables.

Empty chairs and empty tables
I pick up a pen to write
I plead with fancy words and letters
I throw the letter out

Empty chairs and empty tables
The paper barely grazes their cheeks
It barely scathes their minimal pimples
Soon it's on the ground, trampled down

Empty chairs and empty tables
Even the table wood seems hollow now
Will it all crumble before me
Leaving me alone in a dust cloud

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