Saturday, April 9, 2016

Dry Bones Rise #2

I looked all 'round
For those eyes that cared
For those lips that whispered
my name alone.

I looked all 'round
And I tried to reach out
And I tried to be loved
But all I got was a burn out.

When the bones within
Failed to rise
When my heart beat
For what wasn't mine
Then I cried.

I tried too hard
To draw 'em near
I tried too hard
To be loved

Stomped my foot
And waved my red flag
Then went around
Flaunting my ashes

A hazard I was
But the void was still there
A pain I was
And maybe still am

Then I heard of the unheard of
That someone did care
That His eyes shone for mine
That He searched me out

But there seemed to be a catch
There seemed to be a trap
Dry bones rise
The Spirit is moving in mine.

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