Saturday, August 27, 2016

Nights Like These

It's nights like these
That I hover under the covers
Trying to find even interruptions
never worked for me somehow

It's nights like these
That I feel the pulse of dread beat
As I think
Will it always be like this?

It's nights like these
That I wonder
Will it always be a struggle
To keep fighting from the bubble
Oh believe me
I'm fighting from the bubble

It's nights like these that I'm lonely
That I try to chase a different story
Than the one that my Lover
Intends for His beloved

It's nights like these that I cry
That I cry under the covers.

You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.
Isaiah 26:3 NIV

It's nights like these
That I'm sorry for chasing
wants and my glory.
For trying to tell a different story
I've tried to tell a different story.

One day can't break me
Neither can a thousand
I have a Glue that is stronger
He holds me together.

I've failed today
But that's okay
God give me strength to carry on
I'm tired
Yes, I'm worn

I'm lonely and confused
Yes, still sacred and attuned
Help me move.

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