Saturday, December 29, 2012


So the title says it all. I haven't posted in quite a while. :) lots of things have happened since the last time I posted. Welll, we had the Christmas play. Oh yeah.. During the exam which was a couple months ago I had a fever. I was stressing and having questions about life. Sometimes I think it mighty been a teeny bit of depression. Anyway, I am basically an extroverted and cheerful person, I love music, and God and my family. The only thing is sometimes I feel as if everyone seems to have like best friends. It's like everyone has someone that they mean the most to. But me..I am a loner.. I don't know maybe it's cause of my mental judgment towards people. Oh God please help me to love others as myself.. I mean I don't hate people I just judge them.. Maybe it's pride.. Well we watched Lès Miserables today.. It was quite entertaining. But I don't think CKN liked it that much. Well.. That's it for now.
Singing light songs to the heavyhearted is like pouring salt in their wounds. (Proverbs 25:20 MSG) you've probably figured that I like music a lot.. Oh yeah I got a new guitar.. YAYYYY. Bye now.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

..... =P

So the holidays have started, well most of it is On Monday I've got a test, so I've got to study KH today. The past few days I went for Power Ministry Training. It was quite good. And I hope I'll be able to continue to trust God and move in the Holy Spirit. :) today I saw some pictures on fb of my friends and they looked like they were at a party. (I guess I wasn't invited :() but nvm. I know God still loves me very much. And tomorrow I get to go out with my youth friends from church. :) After arranging books in church. So I guess that will be fun. :D yah know, my favorite friends are my friends from youth :) I mean I've actually known one of them since before I can remember :D. It's nice having ppl like that. Oh and his sis is coming too, she's back from
uni so it'll be nice spending a day with them.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

*sigh I love music, I really do but when u keep havin to practice for this and that it gets tiring sometimes.... Gonna perform for teachers day. I prepared you raise me up on th epiano and everything. Then to day teacher told me tht I got thru the audition but I have to change the song cause another group is doing tht song. Ahhhhhh AND HE WANTS ME TO COME FOR PRACTISE AT9.00 am tomorrow, well today. Just gonna song keep holding on not gonna play keyboard.... Oh yeah... I got distinction for my piano exam.=P. I just can't wait for the date hen I can just sit down/lie down in my room( or the beach... Lol) and read some storybooks and listen to music with no cares like impressing ppl and playing well.... I hope one of the days in these coming holidays I'll be able to do that... Nites.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

It's 2am... Lol what an epic beginning to a blog post... Just finished studying science... Got an exam next week... =P this Sunday is mother's day.. =P... CAN'T WAIT FOR EXAMS TO BE OVER... Then we have Christian Fellowship camp.. :DDD... Planning to paint positive negative black and white cross patterns on my fingernails or maybe black and red... And teacher asked me to I for some math Olympiad.. And got through school audition for Digi Talenr Competition... Oh and gonna perform on teacher's day at school... =P yesss... I have a lot going on... Piano exam over last month... Might skip a grade next year... MUST WORK HARD=P anyway most importantly must trust in God. GOD BLESS YA!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I was stalking someone else's blog 2day... =P... Not gonna put a name in case the person just happens to be blog surfing and sees their name lol... Ugh hopefully I can control mah hair better... It's usually always in a ponytail... But I don't want it to be so monotonous anymore... Gonna maybe leave it down more lol... =P I don't what it is with me and tongue faces with equal eyes lol... No one probably reads this blog... Hahahhh... Gonna enter some sekolahku berbakat contest... Might sing Beautiful by Christina Aguilera... =P... Just did mah grade4 piano exam... Might jump to grade6 next year... Mid-term exam in one month... :D ... #cantwaitforthehols P.S. still not sure what to become when I grow up lol

Monday, March 26, 2012


Someone like u whoo lol.. RANDOM beginning to the post... So yesterday I watched a sick movie... Hunger games... It was SICK...anyway... I'm enjoying life... It's cool... I'm learning to be more outgoing(I think) :P lol I don't think anyone has even read this blog :D #TeeHee as u can see I'm rather hyper lol...

Friday, March 9, 2012

Yay Hols

Okay so holidays are starting.I have to organize mah thoughts so, today I hafta print the sejarah notes for the notice board and study theory... Okay So, FYI sungha Jung is coming! I wanna go watch but kinda expensive oh yeah this week I'm gonna watch Disney on Ice:D and this Monday there's church camp... On thurs I have to plant tauges for the science experiment and I plan on recording a cover on thurs or fri... Maybe I'll do I won't give up... :D so I'm supercalligragilistically excited lol...

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


I know ambition's really important... But I don't really know what I want to do. Maybe an astronomer or physicist or something... But it sounds kinda boring. What I really want to do is music... I wanna make a living out of my passion... Only it's kinda challenging to enter the music industry right? Plus, I don't wanna be influenced and start doing bad stuff... So I don't know ... Maybe I'll study english or history... Those would be rather interesting... So, I don't really know... #iloveyoumumanddad
Yes I know... Super random ...XD

Monday, February 20, 2012


Music is an extremely important medium of expression of feelings. I love it but sometimes it's hard to distinguish between good and bad music. I seriously hope to listen to better music, to good music, Godly music. I mean sometimes it's hard because a certain song's tune seems super amazing and then you get to a line when they start using bad words or somethin' so that's it for today. Tuning out... Notice the lame pun... Lol... #ilovemusic

Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Beginning

I don't know if anyone's going to ever read this. Perhaps someday someone will read it. Maybe it'll be my future self laughing at my uniquely idiosyncratic self. Perhaps it will be some random blog browser, I have no idea. Life is tough but nothing is impossible for God. Sometimes I try to live up to everyone's expectations but in the end the conclusion is always the same I have to be myself, however quirky I may be, of course that doesn't mean I ignore the feelings of others. If that is what you have perceived from this passage, then read it again and again till you get my point. Anyway that's it for now. I hope this is going to be a good outlet for my feelings. GodLovesYou!