Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Incessant humming
Slight discomfort
A need to excrete coupled with
lazy feet

Impromptu dances
all by myself
compulsive eating
let the cereal boxes pile up

smiling at blackouts
because they do not make me sweat here

finding metaphors when I see
my first rat in a foreign land

hearing someone toss their trash
at 2:15 am
wondering why they're still up

smiles laced with fear

thinking of all the souls
that lie awake with me in this tiny building
only listening to the
incessant humming.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017


I fight you because I love you and I want you to fight for me.

Boyce Avenue

The sound of plucked guitar strings
sharp but smooth
like the tang of a lemon
with just the right level of sourness

Your voice slips 
through the cracks of your soul
spilling out; thin
barely seeping through
but focused

Then the plucks turn into strums
And your soul comes through 
just a little more

thicker, sharper!

Then the point where I
completely collapse:
you reach a high note
but instead of progressing to falsetto 
as you sometimes do,
you let it crack

And that's when
I feel like,
I see you.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Before You (Inspired by Lang Leav)

You were my first love.
Before you, all I had were
little closed flowers--
they never bloomed
Before you I felt, yes.
But I never screamed
I never yelled it out to the world
That I liked a boy
And even with you
I do not but
my actions say it all
I smile for you

Grip your left index finger
That's the way you gripped me
My finger it pointed directly
at you

I want to dip a brush in my bloodstream
And paint pictures of all the earthquakes
you invoked in me

Breath is my favorite word these days
Breath was never clear between you and me;
always murky
We weren't right
Not in that way
But the smog-filled breath
that we shared
was the first taste of real air
I ever got;
before you
I was a foetus
dependent on the
amniotic fluid that was

Before you.
Honestly, I don't remember.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Nature's Wedding

The rocks are pretty tonight
A little on the hefty side
they're self-conscious to have to
bare their bodies to every stranger
that passes by

they've been the haven
of lovers and strangers
these rocks have seen it all
they stand so lifeless by the shore
restrained till high tide
when they marry the ocean

the rocks slowly formed
from sand and water and
rain and sun
pushed and punched
and pulled and stretched
pain produced demure beauty

the rocks marry the waves marry the wind.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Two Words and Two Worlds

What is perceived
is different from what is expressed.
We construct our own worlds

That's why hand-in-hand
is a longing so deep
why toe-to-toe seems like heaven;
because our words cannot meet and merge
and embrace and kiss and unite and make love
because the air devours them one-by-one
the hateful air with its ravenous appetite
for disconnection
refuses to let our words
tell the same story

but if our words cannot merge
will our haptic hugs be any better?

Saturday, February 4, 2017


Someday I will find someone
Who feels like an old church song
that I remember crying to

Someday I will find someone
Whose kisses seem holy,
not rebellious

Someday I will find someone
who feels divine

But till then.

Friday, February 3, 2017


You're like a brown, dry plant
that I can't seem to let go of
you've grown on me
like a runner, like a morning glory
you've grown on me
not green, not fresh
but I'm tied to you somehow

you are steady

like a foot
that smells a little bad
but helps me walk
you help me

like muscles that aren't quite flexed
but still present
still strong

I love you
I hate you.


Andai kata anda di sini
Andai kata aku menangis
Adakah kau memelukku?
Ataupun memandangku bagai
burung yang tidak kau fahami

Aku mencicit
Aku menyanyi
Dengarlah, aku jerit.

Aku bagaikan ombak
ombak kecil
ya, ombak tanah air
bukan ombak besar
bukan ombak Australia
bukan ombak negeri orang

di tepi ombak biasa, kecil
aku pasti 
dapat cari
burung mencicit
yang boleh menyanyi

"Hujan emas di negeri orang, hujan batu di negeri sendiri, baik juga di negeri sendiri"


Aku betul-betul rindu kau. Tapi aku tak mahu kacau. Jadi, aka duduk je; mandi dalam kesunyian hati. Maaf kalau aku membuat kau rasa bersalah. Aku lemah dari cuba. Ku tak mahu cuba lagi. Ku puas memberatkan hati orang lain. Jadi ku diam je. Ku tulis pun dalam Bahasa Malaysia s'bab ku tak mahu orang baca. Orang asing baca.

Air mata mengalir dan hati berdebar. Ku tak de sebab untuk hidup.

Ku mahu tidur tapi rasa bersalah pula.


Wednesday, February 1, 2017


Ku rindu
ombak kecilmu

Ku rindu
agin kencangmu

Ku rindu hujanmu
yang melandaku
bagai peninju
ku rindumu

Ku mahu
sambil laut menyanyi untukku
lagunya indah rupa dari khabar